Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ok...now I really AM insane!

So yes I'm doing NaNoWriMo again this year...so that makes me at least semi-insane, but yesterday, fairly out-of-the-blue, I decided that I'll do TWO NaNovels this year!

WHY ME!?!?!??!?

Really! I love the plot I'm doing, but after reading those dare threads on the forums I'm sorry to say I don't really have room for them in my story. I hope that's not me caring too much about something, but anyway, apparently I'm going to have my plot as my priority one NaNo - it comes first. The other one is to work on after I get my words for the first one. It's a side novel of sorts. At any rate, I'm going to pack it full of dares and randomness.

Anyone have any suggestions on what to put in it? Or tips on how to cope with two novels at once? I've never actually written much more than 3k in one day. I don't know if I actually care too much about winning with my random novel though, it would sure be fun, but that would mean I wrote 100k in a month...I might die.


Anna Scott Graham said...

it can be done!

not be sound totally insane or full of myself, but last year I did three.

and got to 50K with each.

I wrote every day (except for T-day) and did one in the AM, one in the afternoon and one at night. the night one was the hardest, but right now I'm editing it, and it's not that bad...

relatively speaking. ha ha ha...

but it is very possible. the biggest tip?

just write. even if you're not sure where it going or if it's any good, the more you write, the better you get. and for me, the further I get in a story, the better it comes. more of a feel for the characters. and if you can plot an outline, it won't seem so daunting!

good luck! looking forward to hearing how it goes!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the tips! I've never done this before, but I can write 2k every day at least, and we'll see how much that can grow when I stretch it out over two novels.

I still haven't read last year's NaNo...it's just getting too close to November for me to read it I think. I WILL edit it one day though. Hopefully soon.