Monday, January 31, 2011

Last Day!

It's the last day of NaBloPoMo, and the last day this month I can forget (or nearly forget, like today!) to post. And I had this post half-planned...
Well, I started my Pre-calculus book today, and I hate it already. There's a lot of CD or online stuff, which I knew, but what I wasn't aware of was that even though my brother worked through this thing, even though my mom paid for this set, I have to register for the "class" so I can get to the quizzes, which costs me $150. No. Way. Logging in as my brother allowed me to buy a 30, 90, or 180 day extension, but I don't even really care to do that. Stupid thing. I think I may just write a research paper in the trigonometric functions and call it good. That or go back and finish my geometry.

It was giving us a bit of freezing rain today, so I got an unexpected afternoon and evening off. I'd have rather gone to small group, but that wasn't my call.

As for this National Blog Posting Month, it's a good idea, but not for me. I'm not a professional blogger or anything, and since I don't have a topic in my head every day, I don't see why I should post every day. It does help me remember that my blog is here, though.

Um, other news... oh! Last day of blogging, first day this year that I got up early and wrote. A good 1500 words I think. I could have gotten more but the chapter was done and I was far too lazy to start the next. That's a job for tomorrow morning.
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