A rambling blog about me and my fantasy writing. Probably includes some linguistic rambling, too.
Friday, December 28, 2007
For Christmas I made out like a bandit really. I got No Plot? No Problem! By Chris Baty, Outcast of Redwall by Brian Jacques, and those were the only books I got. I also got a wonderful red toggle hoodie, some nice earrings, um....I know there's more...anyway. That was Sunday, where we got to visit family for Christmas. When we got home on Monday, we had a nice Christmas Eve and then on Christmas day I got...hmm...well, my brothers made me my wooden sword, I got a DS Lite, also a cat book, oh! I also got an AlphaSmart Neo!
That one got me excited actually. I asked for it, but I didn't really expect to get it. I was wondering if I'd ever be able to buy it for myself with me having to pay for mission trip too. So I'm extremely happy that I got it.
Ok, I think I'll have some rambling about New Years in this post too, just for the fun of it. On the NaNoWriMo forums, there's the Big Fun Scary Year thing. Anyway, here's my goal list right now. I might add more as time goes by.
-post in this blog at least once a week (I will have to except one or two weeks out of the year however, as there will be some circumstances that I won't be able to post.)
-Finish writing this year's NaNo.
-Put my shiny new AlphaSmart Neo to good use by writing...say....at least twice a week. (Same weeks will have to be excepted, except during car travels with them I may be able to write in a notebook, but I doubt it.)
-Hmm....I'm toying with wanting to learn French or Spanish or Italian or something...to a conversational level I guess...but I dunno about that one. Shall we say that's a possible goal?
-learn to sightread better on the piano (That's being able to just look at a song you've never played before and play it right there. I can generally do the one-finger melody straight up, but I'd like to be able to do more than that on the first or second go-through)
-another piano related one. This is because my dad really wants me to: Learn to play out of a hymnbook. For me to be able to do this, I need to accomplish the above goal. Sightreading. It's just that sight reading out of a hymnbook seems harder than anything else.
-Finish my CSS self-course. (It's fun, one of those 24-hour things, with 24 1-hour lessons, but I just haven't finished it)
-Finish the JavaScript course (same kind) that I also bought
-Figure out what programming language you need to know in order to program usernames and passwords and all that junk so I can have a more interactive website! And then possibly learn said language.
Those aren't in any particular order, just as they came to mind. So...Do you have any goals or anything you want to get done by the end of next year?
Monday, December 10, 2007
While I'm typing, I might as well give you an update on my writing (since that is what this blog is supposed to be about).
My NaNoWriMo novel has slowed down, it's not at a boring part by any means, but I don't know, I just don't want to write on it right now! Thus the procrastination of writing in this blog with the picture that normally would've just stayed on the computer instead of being put on the internet. Anyway, it's at about 56k now, and lately I've only been able to get literally a few words on it per day.
I've gotten out a different writing project however, is coming along beautifully. In that notebook that I took the picture of the fountian pen on (see previous post, the other one with the picture? Yeah, that one!), I'm working that one plot that came to mind during NaNo. I was just going to build on it a bit, but then it insisted that I put it on paper, and so I used my fountain pen to start, and now I'm in love with it. I'm not going to type it up, it'll be my away-from-the-computer project. It's forcing me either away from the computer, or to write on it while sitting at the computer, which is really not what I meant to happen at all. Ah well, maybe I can bribe myself, or threaten, that works too. "Stand away from the notebook, and write on your NaNo, or you'll never see the new story again!"
All I Want for Christmas...
Actually, I do know what I want for Christmas. (Now that it's weeks after my parents went shopping)
I'd like junk for my fountain pen. Colored inks, or some nice stationary, that would be nice...there's also calligraphy stuff would be awesome.
Now that I've given my list to people who can't get anything for me, I'm off to drool over ywriter4, since I can't have it.
Yes, I know it's free! But I have satellite internet, and we only have so many megabytes of download space per rolling month. In a day or two I'll have the bandwidth back and I'll download it. It looks like fun! And useful...I guess that's important too.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Fountain Pen Ramble (probably Haiku too!)
You will see my beautiful Waterman Phileas fountain pen.
Beautiful, no? For those of you that know what a fountain pen is, skip the following part:
A fountain pen as far as I know is one of the oldest actual pens. For some reason I'm thinking that the nib was at first attached to quills, because the hollow feather allowed it to be filled with ink, and then the nib (the part at the end that you write with) would help it to last longer. I could be wrong on that however. Anyway, the fountain pen is a very elegant writing instrument, and it writes beautifully. My writing is sloppy (that's my writing in the notebook), but I'm sure it'll get better. The thing I really love about it is how it glides over the page. I don't really notice other things not gliding, but if I use a pencil right after the fountain pen, or in this notebook because I'm used to it in this notebook, it seems weird and hard to do.
Those of you who know about fountain pens, here you can start reading again.
My pen came as a nice set for my birthday in August, with the pen, a bottle of ink, a converter, cartidges in several colors, blotting paper and a cloth to wipe with. And don't forget the booklet! I'm really enjoying it, even though until a few days ago I was scared to get it out and use it at all. I got over that quickly as I started writing with it. It's so much fun! I have a medium nib on it, however I've heard that these Waterman nibs run a bit broader than the normal American nib. But what do I know?
Anyway, I love my fountain pen. If you like to write, a fountain pen is a great way to write, it's very elegant, and they write wonderfully. You can use bottled ink or cartridges, either way is great.
Happy writing!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Post-Nano Blues
#1: Write something every day possible.
#2: Finish November novel
#3: Ooh! Here's a fun one: Build on plot that came to mind during November
So, I didn't manage to actually write anything on a novel or story monday, but I oh-so-conveniently (and actually on accident) forgot to put on the first place I posted it what I had to write on. I actually got some writing on a paper on Orthodox Judaism, the assignment I assume was set because we just finished reading a book called "The Chosen" and so I typed on that.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My Talents
Talent. What is it?
That which you are so good at?
Compare yourself now!
Do you feel so great?
There is always one better,
One who can beat you.
Those who are the best,
If they tried so hard, there's fear.
Who will beat them next?
They live in constant fear,
If they love their position.
One will overtake.
But if you don't care,
You can enjoy your new place.
And still pass it on.
So enjoy your place,
But do not love it too much.
For it will go away.
See how bad I am? Anyway, the point is, when you're considered the best, odds are you won't stay that way for long. You're what people strive to beat. And someday, you'll be beaten. Anyway, why in the world am I talking about that? It must be NaNoWriMo. I start rambling.♪
Oh yeah! I'm ending all of my posts with that little music note thingy now...♪
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I.....did it?
So far I'm quite pleased with my novel. I haven't seen too many sub-plots, but then, I didn't try. But still, it's fairly intricate, not boring I don't think. Things just keep popping out at me, and then onto the page. It's fun.
*sigh* now I need to keep being motivated to finish writing it....
Friday, November 16, 2007
Novel Update
In other news, tomorrow (Saturday) I probably won't get much writing done, I may have to get up early, although I almost don't want to do that. There's a swim meet you see, and I should be rested. In fact, it's weird. The past few times I've been swimming, my fingers have hurt. Is that from typing?
Oh, and then there's biology. I have a quarterly exam to take today because I didn't do so well on my bi-weekly tests over the basics and the first three kingdoms: Monera, Protista, and Fungi. I don't mind biology, I just don't want to spend the time on it that I need to. My characters call!
Anyway, if I'm so busy, why am I wasting time writing in my blog? We may never know....
Monday, November 12, 2007
So close....
Or maybe I'll just browse the NaNoWriMo forums...hmm....hard to decide....
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Why do I write? And "Ode to My Poor Old Laptop"
The old Windows '98 computer,
served us so well.
It held the files we needed,
And played some games to boot.
But we had to do some more,
So we put on newer software.
It slowed the poor thing down,
But it held together bravely,
And never let us down.
When we needed it no more,
And got a new computer,
We stuffed it in a closet,
And barely used it since.
After a while I picked it up,
And he started faithfully.
I typed some things on him,
And worked on websites too.
But a few weeks ago,
He had been put up for a long time,
I tried to start him up,
But he had died, he was no more.
I sighed and called my mom,
but there was nothing we could do.
He's still in the closet,
I want to save him too.
But he seems to have died,
Never to boot again,
I don't know that I can do anything for him
But write this Ode to My Poor Old Laptop.
WHAT?! MORE Haikus?!
I can't stop writing these things!
They're so addictive!
But there's a question,
One I really want to ask.
Answer honestly!
They seem to jostle,
The Haikus in my mind do.
Do they to you, too?
If so, tell me.
I get you to give me feedback!
I can't write like that!
Well, perhaps I can,
I have already, haven't I?
But I'd like to stop.
But only if they
Actually have no flow,
If they flow, say so!
I truly do beg,
For you to leave you comments,
On this Haiku post.
Friday, November 9, 2007
One more post today!
That I'm writing poem too much
Now I'm on Haikus
I was just thinking,
That my problem is I care
Too much about rhymes.
That "Thursday" poem there,
I wrote it without caring
About rhymes or breaks.
So I've discovered,
I really shouldn't care any
If anything rhymes
Now I say good-night,
And leave you with my Haikus,
As I go to bed!
Eruika literally means "I have found it" In...um...I can't remember what language, Greek? Hehe...
Anyway, the reason I say that is this (now you get an update on my novel, ooh):
I found another job for Fires in my book! Before I added this one, the job list for them read like this:
Fire: Blacksmith, Adventurers, Miners
Fire: Blacksmith, Adventurers, Miners, Glass-blowers
Which one did I add? We may never know. Anyway, how I came across it was one of my characters was getting a baby bottle for something. I of course had jars and stuff, but it hadn't occurred to me before that someone had to make and probably blow the glass. So then I realized who it was perfect for. A Fire! Who else could keep it hot enough? It'd be easy for them. They don't have to blow it all either, so, yeah. There's a discovery.Got the Poem!
You fill my life with dread
and then deliver worse than I imagine.
I can't stand how busy you make me,
How you make me so tired at night.
You force me up, then push me down.
I don't mind each activity on its own,
But in one day? Not enough time!
Piano I can deal with,
Swimming I even enjoy,
Watching kids is even ok.
But do them all in one day,
and on top of school,
I can't do it! No way!
In November, with 1,667 words per day,
How can I do it all on a Thursday?
I want to lock myself away,
With a laptop and only a little internet,
And just write the day away.
But Thursday, you vile beast,
You force me out, you keep me from operating,
I can't get a thing done! There's do much to do.
Wow, that came out better than I thought it would. Seriously, I wasn't anticipating line breaks, but they just popped up. That's cool, the two parts with only two lines even kinda fit. Look, two verses, then one with two lines. Two more verses, then another with two lines. Then two more verses. Maybe it should've ended with a two line verse, but I couldn't think of what to put. I'm not going to care right now.
I HATE THURSDAYS! I dread them, then I hate the experience, then during the aftermath, I wonder why I bother with them. On Thursdays I have to do all of my normal school, along with piano, then vipers swimming, then I come back and watch children. It's almost just all in a row. I get up, go run or bike for exercise, then I come back and try to do some school. We have to leave for piano at 1:00, and it goes to 3:30. There are three of us, but she keeps us for an extra half-hour anyway. I don't see why. Then we come back, it'll be at least 3:45. I finish up whatever school I didn't get done in the morning or at piano, then I try to scrape out some words on my novel if it's November. Then at 5:40 I get a ride from a brother to take me to the YMCA for swimming. I swim until 7:30, then watch kids until supposedly 8:30, but it turns out to be more like 8:50 before their done, then I hang out upstairs munching on a few snacks until everyone leaves. I then take a shower and go to bed, relieved that Thursday is over.
And Thursdays before science tests are even worse! I always have science tests on Friday, unless my mom lets me put it off until Monday or something. Anyway, today I had a test, and so yesterday was even worse than usual. And then sometimes there are orthodontist appointments. I had one the other week, science test, ortho, and the normal junk. That was a bad Thursday. Thank goodness it wasn't during November. I'm enjoying myself writing this novel, don't get me wrong, but man does it make Thursdays worse!
Hmm...that might spawn a poem...not a rhyming one, as stated before, but a poem none-the-less...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The response came back as something along these lines:
Well, you'll have to be really careful about that, because if you're on the computer all day you won't get to spend any time with them, and you don't want to seem rude or anti-social.
So watch myself. But if I'm careful, I can maybe get my daily word count done! I'm determined to get my word count done, and still spend plenty of time with family!
Hang on...they're still going to wonder what I'm doing on the computer...I'll end up saying I'm writing a novel, if my parents don't tell them right away, and then they're going to ask the infernal question!!!!!
"What's it about?"
GAH! How in the world am I supposed to sum up my novel in one sentence? Even two or three, it's virtually impossible! Oh well, se la vi. I'll start practicing. Hmm...
My novel is about six people who escape from slavery in a different land and find their way home.
My novel is a fantasy about six people who escape from slavery in a neighboring country while their home country is at war in the country their slave in and they escape and go home where they have to save their home and stuff like that.
Hm...dangit, it's just too complicated to explain in just a few sentences!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Another blog?
I'll just post in them both, ok?
Word Count on Nanovel!
Yesterday: 2,990 words written
Today: 176...Ok, the afternoon is yet young! I'll get it done! Don't worry, look at the total as of right now:
Total: 15,203
I need only be at 11,669 today, and I know what I said about buffers! My point is, I'm ahead, and I'll get about 2,000 words done today if it almost kills me, and then I'll be even farther ahead! So there! And yes, I know I shouldn't be posting on my blog when I should be writing. Didn't I say that at the start of the post? I'm going now! You shouldn't see any more posts from me today.
Ah, a terrible poem, and info!
They say everyone has a book inside of them, one that's just waiting to be put on paper. Then why is it, when I write it all out, that I'm surprised at almost every scene? I wrote out an outline, I thought it all through. I drew up maps, I thought of my characters. Why is it then, that I'm constantly surprised? Why is that each thing that comes out, it startles me, and sometimes makes me laugh? If it's from my mind, how can I not know what it is?
Shock-and-awe, that's what I get, each time I lock the editor away. I don't look at the last sentence I wrote, I merely keep writing. When I finish, I look at what came from my head, and I read over it in wonder. I wrote that, I got it down, now my editor can come to play. She'll look at it, then pull out her red pen, she'll mark it all up. I'll type it again, and think about it more. It'll be better each time, but either shorter or longer. The thing that matters is that it's on paper.
And now for the info:
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is every November, and you try to write a 50,000 word novel during the 30 days of November. It's insane, that's been established many times over. The point is, so many people do it, and it's so awesome to see what comes out of my head *points to poem above* I hope that makes my point. I apparently don't know it's there until it's on paper. I planned it out quite a bit, but I'm still amazed.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
First Post!
I should probably tell you why I chose the name. The writing part you probably understand. The weird names comes from a few things: The first: I'm weird myself. Self-proclaimed.
Which reminds me: I need to point something out: I'm a Christian, and I will probably talk about my walk with God in my blog posts. If you are going to take offense at that, then you probably don't want to read my blog. Anyway, the reason that the weirdo thing brought me to the fact that I'm a Christian, is the fact that as a Christian, I am called to be set apart from the world. I need to be weird. I need not to conform to the ways of this world.
Reason number two: The most successful books/stories I write are fantasy, and thus have a lot of weird names. I have to write with them a lot. To be honest though, I kind of like it. Names pop into my head like dandelions. So I use them. I'm sure you'll hear about lands I've thought of, and people I've named, so don't worry, you get to hear a lot of ramblings yet.
This brings my introductory ramble to a close. Thank you for reading.