Friday, November 16, 2007

Novel Update

This is weird....For so long, my words left to write have been so many more than what I had written...but I added up yesterday's numbers today before I started writing...and I only have about 14.5k left! I've written exactly 64 pages, I've never written anything that's not even Thanksgiving! How? It's just so strange...Yesterday was the half-way point, I've just now started writing about how they actually go on their main quest. I don't know if I'll be done with the novel by December! Although, there are always the threats of my friends that say I need to have it done by then end of December.

In other news, tomorrow (Saturday) I probably won't get much writing done, I may have to get up early, although I almost don't want to do that. There's a swim meet you see, and I should be rested. In fact, it's weird. The past few times I've been swimming, my fingers have hurt. Is that from typing?

Oh, and then there's biology. I have a quarterly exam to take today because I didn't do so well on my bi-weekly tests over the basics and the first three kingdoms: Monera, Protista, and Fungi. I don't mind biology, I just don't want to spend the time on it that I need to. My characters call!

Anyway, if I'm so busy, why am I wasting time writing in my blog? We may never know....

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