Monday, March 14, 2011

Sundays Make Me Lazy

And it loves to bleed into Monday. Anyway, my brother was home for the weekend, so instead of doing much editing I decided to hang around with him instead. As a result, I got an hour and twelve minutes done, which isn't I guess a huge deal, I was plenty ahead -- I'm still ahead, as a matter of fact -- it's just the lapse in routine. I have 28 or so hours, and I only have to be at 22 or so hours today. I'll be ok. I just have to make sure I don't let myself keep slacking off. I'm nearing the end of the manuscript, though I think it may need more editing toward the end. Here I am, with battle looming, and people are just wandering around talking and discovering things. I'm not sure that's appropriate. Well, maybe I just need to tidy things up to make it more succinct and maybe more focused on what's actually coming. I have a few lines of "it wouldn't be long now until they went off to battle" or whatever, but maybe there should be more anxiety, or something. I have great worldbuilding notes in here, but the reader doesn't so much care about all of that, do they? They want to see if the good guys win, not every thought that passes through their little skulls, right? This is supposed to be an adventure novel, I think. I don't know what else I would call it. Fantasy, yes, but that's just my basic term. I could say "Speculative Fiction," which I probably will start saying once my world advances to more mechanical ages, where it may start looking like Sci-fi. Anyway! There are fantasy-romances, fantasy-adventures, fantasy-horror, fantasy-political-thrillers, the list goes on. Fantasy is largely the setting, I hear, and actually agree with. Some themes may come up more often in fantasy and/or sci-fi, but there are all kinds of stories in the genre. Historical fiction is that way too, I think. The story is whatever you like, but the setting turns it into that kind of genre. That's probably why I can be happy reading basically only fantasy and sci-fi. There are a lot of other stories inside those, it's not as if I read only romance or something like that, where there are I'm sure plenty of variations on the theme, but it's still all one theme, or mostly anyway. Not that I usually spend a lot of time reading romances anyway, but you know what I mean, right? Maybe not.

... Dang that's a long paragraph. Sorry about that. With all the thoughts rambling around, I should split that, shouldn't I? I'm not gonna, though. I'll save my editing juice for my novel.

As I predicted, the Italian Pokémon movie didn't get watched. Maybe tomorrow. Not today. Too much going on today.

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