At the worst possible time. This isn't even Crystal Glare work, the project coming in April/May. No, this is something either late summer or November. I'm thinkin' November. Late summer, if noveling is finished, should probably be devoted to linguistics. And school starts early, so...
Anyway! Plot idea should be written down before I forget it, yeah? Problem is, the magic system for this place was gonna be chanting I think, but what am I gonna do if I don't have my language for the country figured out yet. It's gonna be an isolating language (for example, Mandarin), but I know next to nothing about them, and I was gonna try and pick up a little Mandarin before I created a language like that. Not to mention Ganyi still isn't really operational. Grar. So what do I do for the chants? They'd probably be in a different syntax or something (if that's even possible with an isolating language?) from regular speech, but I can't exactly do any of that if I don't have the regular speech. Double grar.
Editing still goes on, but it's getting harder and harder to get up each morning. Must be fixed. I could also draw another map draft or sommat. That might help. Or, the other day I heard about this thing called "school," and a lot of kinds spend most of their week doing school. Kinda weird. Maybe I should try it out sometime.
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