Monday, December 8, 2008

So slow...

I'm still writing in just one of the scenes that needs to be put in...I can't seem to do anything quickly lately. I can't just get out of bed when my alarm goes off, and I can't seem to focus on the computer. I don't know if I need some time off maybe, or if I just need to get over it and work. This kind of thing happens to me once in a while I think, but I can never remember how I deal with it. Eventually I just get back into the groove, or something. I wish I could remember.

1 comment:

Anna Scott Graham said...

after writing, there is a lag where one's brain is just not all 'there'...

sometimes I feel okay, other times I want to sit and veg. maybe give yourself a day or two, see how you're feeling.

it will come round, as you know... :)))