Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Decisions, Decisions...

I just can't decide...I have about...11 scenes that need major rewriting I mean major. As in their from totally different characters. Ones I don't have yet. I know I want this to be in this order, but the question is...according to the editing recipe I want to follow, it says to read through it again at this point. But I don't think it takes into account how much rewriting these will really take...I dunno though.


Anna Scott Graham said...

hard to say, but my gut instinct is to read through it.

something else I'm trying is putting in a different font, but that is more down the road editing, although you could do that now and read it.

just gives your eyes a different view. and from reading the proof copy, I felt seeing it looking 'differently' helped me to notice things I would have changed.

too late by then, but something to try... :)))

Unknown said...

All right, thanks! Like I said, I have no idea what I'm doing. I finally took a real look at the instructions, and this is to note about what scenes need rewriting how, instead of just buffing prose. Thanks again!