Friday, February 11, 2011


The other week I was talking about how things are almost never as bad as the anticipation of them. Crud. Tomorrow I get to go to the high school and take the ACT, which stands for something something test, but I don't remember any more. Stupid test, stupid math score.

Actually, I didn't find the test too hard last time I took it. My math score was low, because I hadn't taken any trigonometry or Algebra 2 at the time. Every time there was an absolute value equation or anything mentioning a trigonometric function... hey, I don't think I've picked that letter for a while. We'll go with that one. I just had no clue what they were talking about. Without the education, I couldn't even make an educated guess. But the test isn't so hard. I won't get a perfect store, I'm sure, but it's not a hard test. I think I'm more nervous about driving out to an unfamiliar school early in the morning, by myself. Stupid nerves.

Better news is I'm caught up on Latin now, and I'm enjoying my Italian kick. Two whole days now! I've been poking around the Italian internet, particularly looking at Pokémon stuff. I don't understand a whole lot, but it's kinda that immersion thing I think. We'll see if it actually does me any good. Sherlock Holmes is interesting, but the language is a little old. Blogs and newspapers provide me with a little bit newer diction, even if it's not magnificent literature. That can come later, yeah?

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