Sunday, March 29, 2009


First of all, sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. Second of all, look at that picture! It's been warm recently, and then just last night it snowed. This being Kansas, it melted again today, making our creek run and the waterfall with it.
NaNoEdMo has... Failed. I had all sorts of doubts about my story, and I've sent it to a few friends to get opinions on it. So far, nothing back. I think it's gotten close to impossible for me to get the hours now. I guess I have to fail the first year with anything starting with "National Novel." Oh well. I feel like I want to start over again. But that could always be me just avoiding commitment. And now I think I'm repeating myself from posts I've already written... Oh well. I'm just sitting here enjoying the sound of that waterfall in my awesome treehouse my dad built me...

1 comment:

Anna Scott Graham said...

sometimes things come in a torrent, sometimes in a trickle. that view from your treehouse is pretty spectacular...

failure is subjective. very subjective. something else I think is that I tend to see what I haven't accomplished, and miss what was done.

time taken sitting in a treehouse, listening to the sounds of water; editing and writing will come when it does. that, however, is timeless..