Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let the Games Begin!

Can editing be considered a game? Anyway, I got up at 4:45 (eepers! That's early for me at least) and started to continue to fill in the scenes. It seems like having an aim definitely helps. I had no troubles getting up this morning. Maybe it helps I had definite timeframe that I could edit this morning.

After I got two hours in I went early to church, and now I'm home...messing around on my computer. I should see about making myself edit some more today. Buffer = good. And I don't actually know how much I need per day to make it. Let me think about what math that would take...

I don't know why that's always so hard for me. 1 hour 36 minutes per day, so I've already got a little bit of buffer. Sweet.

And now I go dashing off to make a spreadsheet to stay on track! AWAY!