Monday, March 9, 2009

Dun, dun, DONE!

So! This morning I FINALLY finished writing in the scenes that needed to be writing in. So now I can begin line-editing. I think.

Actually, there might be a few more spots that need to be redone or maybe split up and stuck in other places. But I don't want to bother with that now. I think I'll just deal with that when I come to it.

But now I come to a billion choices all at once. Do I edit on paper or on the computer? What exactly do I look for? Do I highlight or underline what's wrong first and then go back and correct it later? Or do I just correct it as I see it? At what point could I give it to my friends to beta-read? On and on it goes.

Let me see how much time I spend thinking about this I can count as editing.

1 comment:

Anna Scott Graham said...

you are so crafty!!! it can all be spent as time editing... :)))

I work on the computer, and unless something is pretty incorrect, I don't bother with anything more than reading through, time after time, then reading aloud.

enjoy! now comes the fun...