Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thoughts in the Middle of Editing

I've been ever so slowly line-editing CG, but all of a sudden yesterday it struck me that the beginning just needed plain rewriting. And the next thought is that I should just rewrite the whole stinking thing and turn it into a series, 'cause all of the stuff I can imagine putting in there would make it way too long for a single book. But I'm thinking I really want to just trash at least the beginning and restart. If I were to do that, I would probably set this aside and really worldbuild and carefully and fully plot the thing out. If I'm going to rewrite the thing I want to do it right. But the thing is, I was planning on line-editing and then coming back when I was a better writer (I'm hoping I'll get better) with maybe a little perspective and rewrite it then. But... now I'm wanting to rewrite it now. Which I don't know if I should do it or not.

Ouchy. Ok, so I think I might take today off and think about it (or not and let it just stew in my head), and make my decision later...I have another novel waiting to be edited, and I'd like to get to it sometime this year if possible, and to be honest I think it'll take less work than this monster. For one thing, it's shorter. For another thing, I plotted it better and managed to stay on track more with it.


1 comment:

Anna Scott Graham said...

yeah, sometimes you look at a piece and go...


thinking of you...