Saturday, November 1, 2008

NaNo Day 1

So's awesome. Even though I've been writing every morning (except for October of course), I've forgotten how totally awesome NaNoWriMo is. My roommate was awesome and let me set my loud alarm, and so I set my phone to five minutes earlier, hoping it might wake me up. I guess it actually did, a little bit. I remember I was rolling over, but I wasn't thinking; I guess I was still half asleep after all. My alarm went off and I turned it off during the first ring. I heard her roll over, but I guess she didn't really wake up, or else she didn't remember in the morning. I got up and wrote my words, read some of No Plot? No Problem!, and then got started on my day a little more.

After the guests left, I settled down to type again. It was incredible. I've written 5,000 words in less than twelve hours. I dunno. I've never written that much in a day before. Anyway, I've only just now introduced my three viewpoints, and so I think my story will last 50k.

I'm tired now though...I didn't get to sleep until 11 last night...and getting up at 5...urg...


CS McClellan/Catana said...

We both set personal records today! I stopped just short of 4,000, though I also wrote a little over 300 for a paid blog post, so it was a good day. I'm truly amazed at myself.

I ran short of sleep too. Went to bed at my usual midnite and was awake till about three. Gee, maybe that's why I'm feeling a bit burned our now.

Let's hope we can keep it up.

Anna Scott Graham said...

excellent!!! what a great way to start!!!