Friday, November 28, 2008

A Late Happy Thanksgiving!

But now I can ask everyone how theirs went.

We had family over and ate the turkey, ham, stuffing, mandarin oranges in lime jello, etc. for Thanksgiving dinner at noon. I got my morning writing done, but it's strange...if it hadn't been Thanksgiving, I think I could have finished my novel that day. Last year if it hadn't been Thanksgiving, I think I would have hit 50k on Thanksgiving day.

I don't begrudge it, I really enjoy being with my family. But now, in keeping with my semi-tradition, I have to see about finishing my novel today. I'll probably post as soon as I do it.

1 comment:

Anna Scott Graham said...

sounds like yummy eats!

I usually take T-day off, but feeling a bit theoretically behind, I woke early and wrote. then I wrote again in SLOW traffic. ate well, especially pie, and came home, sleeping all night!

have a good Friday...