Monday, April 25, 2011

I Killed a Man Today...

I really should plan that sort of thing out better. I ended up kinda prophesying that my hard-hearted Arantos would die. That was Saturday, I think, that I wrote that in. So today I had to kill him off. I don't know that he was a sympathetic character to the reader, but his cousin Parika is, I think, and she's going to be all sad about it. I guess I never get to have his heart melt... one way or another it was going to be kind of sad, since if he realized what he'd done he would probably be nearly suicidal anyway. I don't mind killing him. I just mind that I forgot to plan it in while I was plotting, again. Oh well. I may edit it a few more redeeming features if I get to the point of editing. A line or two here, a flashback there, not too hard.

What's really handy is that Parika now is a source of thousands of words, because of her mourning. Very sad, but I get my word count pretty easily today. If I could just keep from being distracted by things like blog posts and piano sheet music.

I have a lot of cleaning I need to help with today, and then a piano lesson this afternoon, and then I'm gone all evening. Grar. I still need a job. The YMCA needs front desk people, I could do that, probably. I should go in and fill out an application. Bleh.

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