Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Various Big Fun Scary

I think I've been keeping up pretty well with my goals, I probably need to be keeping better track, but ah well. Wait a second, I do need to be working more on my Italian, but I suppose I have all year, so it's not that big of a deal. I've found a Bible Study book, or, my mom did for me. Anyway, I've been writing using my Neo, working on my NaNo.

Did I mention that I need to learn PHP to do logins? I'll see about that when I finish my CSS course. I need to make a decision, when I finish CSS, do I go on to JavaScript which I have the book for, or do I start on PHP? That's a hard one. I'll think about it as I try to actually do more CSS...

Speaking of web stuff, once I'm actually fairly happy with my website (well, enough that I think it can be put on the web without be being laughed at too much), I'll move this blog there I think. It won't be for a while though...

If anyone reads this, remind me to do a lesson or so of Italian, and to actually use it somehow, so I don't let it just fly out of my head. I know that the blog is what that's for, but...I don't know. I almost don't want to hurt everyone's brains with my bad Italian. Tell me to get over it please!

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