Thursday, January 3, 2008

Language Issues

Also an update on my 2008 goals.

I've written every day so far, and I also posted in my Italian blog today. Which is partly the source of my language issues. Anyway, other than that, I haven't studied coding, I haven't practiced piano. I have swim team tonight, but no piano today as my brothers are off on a hunting trip, it's not really worth it to go. I should get to work practicing piano, and then if I still have time I should write more, or maybe do a lesson of coding. But I don't feel very motivated. I will practice piano though. I've also done at least one Italian lesson per day.

And now on to my language issue. It's resolved actually now, but I want to blog about it anyway. I was getting confused about when to use Parlo, when to use Parli, and when to use Parla. I called and asked, and I got a very nice answer. It's all about "persons" ("people"? I'm talking about first person, third person, second person). Parlo is when you're talking about yourself, first person ("Io parlo"). Parli is second person familiar. So only to a friend ("tu parli). Parla is either third person or second person formal (hehe, haven't dealt much with third person yet...). Anyway, it was nice to know the rule. I can remember it now. It's just I get confused if my program won't just tell me the rule that it is, if they'll just do that, I'll remember it. There are also different words for if it's plural. But I won't go into that.

Oh, if you were wondering, parlo, parli, parla, and all of those mean "to speak."

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