Friday, April 17, 2009

Outside Again!

It's our first nice day in a while here in Kansas, and so I'm trying to spend as much of it outside as I can. It has nothing to do with wanting to avoid cleaning the house. Nothing at all.
I read my last NaNoWriMo effort the other day, and I have good news: my writing has improved since writing Crystal Glare. It's bad news for CG though, since now I've looked at what I can maybe do. At any rate, NaNo 08 doesn't need any shuffling I don't think, and although I forgot to follow up on a small detail I started, the only major rewriting that needs doing is one scene that somehow got lost as I was uploading it from my Neo. At least, I think everything's ok. The first read-through was just such a relief that I might need to read it again. And then there's line-editing. I need practice on that. I do have some drabbles I wrote sometime last year, maybe I could do those for practice. They're each well under 1k. I think I'll warm up on those.

1 comment:

Anna Scott Graham said...

we're having some warm days, but I so remember in the UK when that first really fine day of spring burst through.... ohhh.... no time for cleaning house, none at all!!! :)))

as for the writing; a friend of mine read my first book, then the contest excerpt (and thanks so much for the support, btw...) :))) anyways, she noticed my writing had improved. and that was so good to hear!

we do get better as we go along. but I agree, it makes it hard to look at older projects and think; can I rescue this?

all about the time involved, I think. revising/housecleaning/out in the beauty that is spring... so many choices!