Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Need to Write Better Description

So maybe November isn't a good time to be working on my writing skills, other than churning out high wordcounts (although I don't know that I need a lot of work on that), but if I don't work on this sometime I'll forget or get lazy. But in the spirit of NaNoWriMo and not editing first drafts, my goal is to just actually write some. No scene should go by without some description. I should actually know what my characters look like.

I'm a story driven person, and so I'll usually end up writing action or dialog or even internal monologue (why are dialog and monologue spelled so differently? Maybe my spellcheck is thinking of a computer dialog box or something), which I suppose is all fine and good, except that a little description helps keep things realistic. I suppose I don't have to be all that poetic or anything (I fail at poetry), but a person should be described, locales should be made more real with description, stuff like that. So my goal is to specifically insert description into my scenes and areas in this November's draft. I suppose that means I need to actually think about what all that looks like...

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