Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I did tell you was I going to be gone for two weeks, right? *checks blog* oh...I guess not. Anyway, my absence is actually explainable for the past two weeks (June 7th through....Sunday?). The explanation is as thus:
Media fast for 7th through the 14th. No electronics. Then the 14th my youth group went to Nikiski Alaska (remember me mentioning that?). I came back this Sunday (the 22nd). And I hadn't managed to take the time to write until now.
Verily and forsooth!
Anyway, since I'm sure you're dying to know (yeah right) what I did in Alaska and how it was. Well...first of all, it was awesome. We went to Nikiski on the Kenai peninsula. We stayed in a church called Lighthouse Community Church. We got up for breakfast at 6am every day, went to morning worship, left for the jobsite around....7:30? We'd work until 5pm, then come home, eat supper at 6:30, there's an adult meeting at 7:30, then worship at 8 which lasts usually three hours, but it's awesome. After that we have youth group debriefing, in rooms at 11, lights out 11:30, repeat.

Wednesday was our day off, and we went to Exit Glacier park. I have all sorts of low-quality pictures (apparently a long long time ago in a state far far away I had set it to the lowest setting so I could have 2000 pictures. It was like 0.3 megapixles.), I'll have to show them to you sometime. Even if they're all grainy, they're still amazing. Anyway, I'm really tired after all of the work, and I haven't really been able to get moving.

Oh, one more announcement before I close this blog post: Hey, those of you skimming over: PAY ATTENTION TO THIS!
I finished....the first draft of...my NaNoWriMo Novel, Crystal Glare!

'Tis done.

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