Friday, June 19, 2009

The Power Went Bye-Bye...

We had a nice storm on Monday night that knocked out the power for most people in the area. It was amazing though. We got a few limbs knocked down in our yard, but out neighbors across the street... their yard was completely torn up. So Tuesday was spent cutting and hauling trees. It was fun actually.

Over the next few days, it got noticeably less fun. It's been hot, and without power we were without AC. And more importantly, our house runs on well water, so no power means the pump on the well doesn't work, which means to water for us. We have a generator, so sometimes we'd run water, and for a lot of the rest of it we'd plug it into the fridges so the milk didn't go bad. But it wasn't very fun...

We had just borrowed another generator from some friends so we could have a few things running at once, and that night, the power came back on! Yay! It's one of those things that always happens like that... Ah well. That was the adventure for the week.

My good habits still have not returned, although I got a little plotting done on Crystal Glare. I have a general idea of the sections it's going to be in, but I have quite a few new characters to create, as well as a lot of specifics to draw in. Maybe I can do a bit of that today yet...

1 comment:

Anna Scott Graham said...

when I was a kid, we had well water for our house... I'm right there with you! :)))