It's strange how I never want to sit down at the computer and blog, and yet I'm perfectly happy blogging by sending a text from my phone (like I am now. My new phone has email!).
Writing has been slow lately. I took a break in December and managed with only marginal success to work on Crystal Glare in January. I'm probably still only... Three fifths through, at most. Had I been able to stick to my schedule, I would be done by now. But since NaNo I've not really wanted to get up early. It happens a lot in winter for me.
I'm still working my way through it, I have bad days and better days, but so far none that could be acceptable during November. But maybe I can't set all year by NaNoWriMo, however much I want to. When spring comes things nay get better.
In other news, I finished my Algebra 1 book, and now I can resume Geometry. I still have no idea if I'm behind or not. I probably am. At least I've made a little progress on Italian, if only I could build my vocabulary.
And that's the news!